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Immortal Beauty

Monday, October 27, 2008

おはよう (Ohayoo),

I am now in school typing on the class computer. It was quite tiring in the morning as u noe, we went to the west coast park today. It was quite unlucky as our bus broke down and we had to take buses with other classes. I went totally crazy upon seeing the playground at west coast (it was very long since i played at a playground ok). The playground was pretty big and the best part of it was the flying fox. It was so fast and fun. Vampire Joy was pulling us across on the flying fox. She was running here and there, so hyper active!!!

Phew, Ms Ye just came to the classroom and i had to shut down the computer. Anywhere, there is a twilight craze in the sec 1 level, almost everyone is reading the book twilight and its other series. The book is about a human and a vampire falling in love??? I think is something like that. I heard from my friends that the movie twilight is coming out in December. I am pretty looking forward to it as i am too lazy to read the book version of the story (the book is quite thick ok). The sad news is, the movie may be rated NC16 and i will not be able to watch it.Awwww... I am shocked that some of my vampire classmates managed to sneak into movies rated NC16 with the help from their siblings. Impressive.

I am totally tired out after the inter-class game at west coast.We had to crawl through a human tunnel and then suqeeze on a single newspaper. We managed to get 13 ppl standing on the newspaper. Some of them were piggy-backed for example michelle. She said it was super scary.But at the end of the game, my socks were dirty and i feel very hot. All my classmates are gone now and i am the only one in class. I have CCA 2day until 6 pm!!! Oh well. Wait a minute, i have just typed so much in one day!!! Better get going.

Tagged a few mins later :(I checked out the twilight official website and the movie is rated as PG-13. Maybe there is still some hope to be able to watch the movie after all.)


10:38 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

guess what, yesterday my family and i went to the Central. In case u dun noe , it is a newly opened shopping mall above clarke quay MRT. The shopping mall is big but no bigger than Vivo . It is also quite complicated as it is very difficult to figure out how to get from one storey to another, there are just too many elevators linking from here to there and there to here. LOL. As the mall newly opened, there are still many shops which have not started their business. It was quite scary yesterday when we went there as the shops are all closed except for a few and the shopping mall is deserted and quiet. The main theme of the mall is japanese thus when u have a chance, u should go and check it out!

9:27 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

Guess wat, today is the OM (odyssey of the mind project) audition. I think everyone did a great job. (clap,clap,clap) Anyway, my group's skit is quite fuuny.It goes as this:
George *Bush*(get it? the bush u see in parks) ,the president of America, is troubled by how he should rule the country.This is acted by vampire Chia wei. Then Qin ShiHuang(vampire ser yeen) and Han Wudi(me!) fought with each other as to which philosophy Bush should use to rule, u noe legalism vs confucianism. Me and Seryeen acted the fighting scene really well since we fight sometimes.Haha. Then Lee Hsian Loong (vampire chiou chiong) appeared with a ruler(vampire michelle)! Then ser yeen and i have to catch the stone shot from the ruler. In the end, the stone hit a eagle and hit an flying eagle (vampire zhu hong) and Bush decided to use democracy. The ending was quite funny as ser yeen and i stick out our finger and wave, saying we surrender. Tat's all for today.

9:30 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

こんばんわ(Konbanwa-good evening),
I guess its been a long time since i last updated this blog (according to vampire Ser Yeen). *YAWN* I feel so tired after EOY.Finally i can relex and play hard.My EOY results were released. Hehe i am not going to tell you my actual marks. I got A1 for chinese, maths and science, A2 for LA and B3 for humanities. Guess i could do better but nvm. Anyway holiday is near the corner and it is the time for me to prepare for sec 2. Can't believe in about 2 months time ,we are going to be in sec 2!!!

My class came up with these fun activities for us these few days like tie two pony tails day and bring our plush toy day. I am really grateful to the person who organised these activities. ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu-Thank you very much)
I am excited about the trip to west coast park nxt week. I wonder what it would be like as i have nv been there.Guess i am a bit lazy to type out short forms for some words so please pardon me.
N last thing, i juz bought a memory card for my handphone and now i can download lots of song to my hp and listen to them. Ok this may seem no big deal to you but ,we have to appreciate the things we have , right? BB my dear vampire friends.

9:10 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

ただいま(tadayima-i am back),
Finally, Eoy is over today.I am so gonna slack!!! I am currently watching tsubasa anime.It is quite nice and sad...But anyway vampire knight guilty is out.It was out on 6th October which is on my birthday!!!Cool right but that was long time ago.Happy belated birthday to me.On to the next matter. Although i have walked out of the darkness and coldness of the tunnel to the light of the sun, but another expetition lies before me,oh well jiayou!!!BB

8:55 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Who are Kaname Kuran and Zero Kiryu?Well look into the picture and you will find them standing directly behind Yuki!(Yuki is the girl in black uniform)Kaname is the one in white uniform with black hair while Zero is the one in black uniform with white hair.(Wow, their difference in appearance is very cute!) In the show vampire knight, i like Yuki and Kaname and i feel that they make a great couple together!But many of my vampire friends feel that Zero is better.(Oh Well) My vampire friends , Shu Hui and Ser Yeen, told me that when one is watching an anime, one would want to become part of the characters in the anime. Coming to think of this, i may agree with it. But still, although animes or fantasy seem nice to us and we would like to escape there one day, the sad truth is it is not really possible. I believe that as long as we study hard, in the future we may be able to create a world that belong to us.


5:54 PM

Friday, October 3, 2008


I guess many of you must be curious why i have decided that the theme of my blog is about vampires.Well that is because of the manga/anime Vampire Knight (as you can see from the picture). I am not someone who like to watch anime or read manga but after the influence of my vampire partner (who read manga during class), my vampire friend's recomandation and the hearing of the ending song of vampire knight (Still Doll), i became obssessed with it.

It is about a girl named Yuki.Her earliest memory is of a snowy night in winter, when she was attacked by one vampire and was saved by another, Kaname Kuran. Ten years later, Yuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, has grown up and become a "prefect" (also known as a guardian) for the school with two purposes: to protect the Day class students (humans) from the Night class students (vampires) and to protect the true identity of the Night class students from being discovered by the Day class students. Her fellow guardian, Zero Kiryu, a childhood companion whose parents were killed by a pureblood vampire, is now determined to kill them all and refuses to trust them. Through a cruel twist of fate, Zero becomes a vampire himself, having been bitten by a pureblood vampire four years before.

This show is super nice thus i recommand everyone to watch it but those who's exams are not over, you could end up being addicted to it (Just like me!). The season two of vampire knight (Guilty) is released on 6th Oct (My birthday so i am really looking forward to it!!!). I guess this post is really long so i should be going.さようなら (sachiunara)


5:43 PM