Immortal Beauty
Monday, December 29, 2008
I've just returned from my cca bbq at downtown east. The chalet room we booked was quite small, with a double bed and a mattress, i wonder how those who are sleeping over can survive the night.
The bbq was quite successful and disastrous at the same time. The food was all cooked, no raw food, but the cooking process was quite messy. The fire was not very strong and we used a lot of firestarters. i chatted with vampire fren Michelle and i told her the storyline of my story which i am currently working on. She was quite humorous and kept on interrupting me and adding weird stuff into my story like lemons, rainbow cats and blood donations. Funny right??? I met my 3rd lang fren, Melissa, and her cca (drama club) was also having a bbq there. What a coincidence!
We had chicken wings, hotdogs, nuggets, fishballs, satays and noodles. Accidents always happen to me and today, while i was taking a picture of my seniors, the cup in my hand tipped and the drink in it poured onto me.Luckily, there was not much drink in the cup and my shirt was not very wet. At eight, we all squeezed into the chalet room and watched little nonya which is a very sad show. Some seniors were outside drinking beer or wine, can you believe it? One of them entered the room asking who want ABC.I was very puzzled what ABC was before realising that it is a brand of beer.
This bbq was really great, it bonds all the cca members together and I got to see my seniors who have graduated. I really hope that we will have a similar event next year. Well, 2008 is coming to an end and school is reopening in a few days time. Here's to wish everyone a Happy New Year and jiayou for school!!! BB

~Colourful M&M's!!!

~Vampire frens Chia Wei,
Michelle and me!

~Yummy chicken satays!
6:50 AM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
i have just returned from my trip to Batam island, Indonesia. It was really great and fun. When i reached the port at Batam, i was shocked to see two skinny and tiny kittens. Poor little things, there was no one to feed them and they were hungry. I took and picture of them and had uploaded it along with this post.
My family and I lived at the Batam View Beach Resort. As what the name of the resort says, it is near the sea. The scenery from our room was breathtaking, you could see the sea, the forests and the birds flying in the sky from the balcony.
On the first day, we stayed at the hotel to use the hotel's facilites. I swam at the swimming pool and played table tennis with my father. It's a pity that none of us knew how to play golf or not we could have enjoyed ourselves with golfing. When we played table tennies, there was a cat under our table, every time when the ping pong ball drop on the floor, it would go over and play with it. Cute right? We explored around the hotel and guess what i saw, a dead snake in the middle of the road. Creepy right? We enjoyed a splendid dinner at the hotel's restuarant and i ordered a hawaii pizaa which was super おいしい-Oishii (delicious).
On the second day, we went to the city centre of Batam, Nagoya. We brought a lot of things as the stuff there is cheaper. I brought clothes, a haversack and a pair of sports shoes. We had a seafood lunch. After that, we went to the port and took a ferry to return to singapore. We arrived at Harbourfront, Vivo city, and we shopped around. There is a huge christmas tree on the rooftop which was very beautiful.
Today is christmas eve, so i would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Remember to make a wish tonight. BB
~A very cute poster i saw at the port.
~Aww, aren't they cute?
~Me and my army of dogs.
~The view from my room.
~A world of bamboo!
~enjoying my feast
~poolside view!
1:09 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
this two days have been pretty fun and tiring. Just yesterday, i went swimming at Hougang swimming complex. Obviously, it was very tiring and hot but it was still filled with fun and laughter.
Today, vampire frens Shu Qing and Kam Ting went to AMK to watch Twilight(as mentioned b4). Of course being with them, its like being back to pri sch, all the teasing and complaining. The movie is great, i recommand all of u to go watch. Although the plot is kind of fast and its kind of different from the book but i kind blame the director as it is truly hard to squeeze a 500 pages book into a 2h movie. I hope that the rest of the series will be filmed into movies as well. My two vampire frens thought that it was a gd idea as they were too lazy to read the books. LOL. Anyway, i was FREEZING in the theatre, the first hour was quite alright but in the second hour, my teeth was practically chattering. My favourite scene might be the baseball match cause its quite funny seeing them play and the scariest scene is the one at the ballet studio.
We had lunch together at McDonald's and i was fulled with french fries. We walked around AMK for rounds and rounds, chatting about our sch n CCA. Well, we came to a point since all three of us r in girls sch, we cant find a partner for prom(maybe this subject is brought on by the prom scene in twilight). Yes, i think it is quite true but hey, prom is in sec 4 and we still have 3 more years to go. Anyway the main conclusion is Twilight rocks!!! Currently, i am working on my own story and i hoped i can keep up with it till its finished. What's it bout??? Dun tell u. Muhahaha. Tat's all, BB
11:08 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
there is not quite much happening around these days. My blog has become quite dead without any new posts so i decided to post some jokes. I would be gg to watch twilight with my vampire frens, Shu Qing and Kamting, and i will be writing a new post bout it . Till then, pls bear with this much empty blog n rem to tag my Cbox!!! By the way, i changed some of the stuff at the sidebar ( the boxes tat say "Epitaph" n "Blood prints"). Vampire Joy came up with some of it so i would like to thank her, ありがとうございます(Arigatou gozaimasu) 弟さん (otouto san), for helping me. The day when sch reopens is not far away so last us treasure and enjoy the remaining time of our hoilidays!!! BB
Q: What kind of pillar can't hold up a building?
A: A caterpillar.
Q: How do you catch a polar bear?
A: You make a hole in the ice and line it with peas. When the bear goes in to take a pea, you kick him in the ice hole.
Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer.
Q: Why does a chicken lay eggs?
A: Because if she dropped them, they'd break
Q: Why did the dog cross the road?
A: He saw some dog food
Q: Why did the raccoon cross the road?
A: He didn't, he got hit by a car.
3:21 AM
Saturday, December 6, 2008
こんばんわ(Konbanwa-good evening),
I just came back from my CCA camp yesterday. It was very tiring but filled with laughter and fun. During the first day, we had ice breaker games at HCI. My group played wacko and we had to called out the name of the person of the opposite gender. Everyone wrote their names on a making tape and paste it on their shirt. My name was rarely called as it was difficult to remember n my name on the masking tape could not be seen clearly. After that, we played a game called "Honey, do u luv me?". We stood in a circle with a person stading in the middle. He or she has to ask the person of opposite gender "Honey, do u luv me? and make that person laugh. It was quite difficult and after many tries, i finally made a boy laugh. The boys were quite funny, some of them actually knelt in front of the girls to persuade them to laugh.
We had nite games after dinner. We played "Lion, Fox and Insects" and "Settlements". In "Lion, Fox and Insects", we have to catch the ppl whose level is lower than ours ,for example lion catch fox, and try to survive.I was a fox and i thought i would not be caught as there was only two lions but it did not turn out this way. In "Settlements", we had to do different tasks to get cards of the different elements, fire,water,earth,wood and gold, to build our cities and upgrade them to fortresses. Vampire fren michelle and i paired up to do the tasks. We drank 1.2 litres of water in order to get the water card and we ran 2 rounds and did 50 squats each in order to get a fire card. After the 50 squats, we could not walk properly and our legs were aching. In the end our group won and the prize is, we get to make in ppl in the losing team our slaves!!! After that we had our shower. The toilet was quite scary as 3 cockroaches appeared in it!!! The classroom we were sleeping in was filled with giant ants so we decided to sleep on tables. It was pretty uncomfortable and i slept at the side.
The nxt day, we had the "big game" and we had to run between HCI and NYGH to complete different tasks. It was really, really, really tiring and hot. This time the nite game was "police,thief and terrorists".It is similar to "Lion, Fox and Insects". I was the theif and i had to hide from the police. In the end, instead of running ,vampire michelle,me and 3 other girls hid
under a staircase. We had our pajamas party after this and our conductor treated us to doughnuts.
Besides all these games, we had rehearsals. In these 3 days , we practised for 14H. Shocking right??? The food at the camp was quite alright. On the last day of the camp, we had water bomb game and it was really wet n fun. Tat's bout all i guess, BB
8:32 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
tomorrow i am going off to my cca camp!!! It will be a 3 days 2 nites camp and we will combine with HCI for the camp. I hope i will enjoy myself very much n nth bad will happen. My blog is like quite dead these few days thus i have everyone will tag when u all come n visit. Below is some nice pics i found, enjoy!!!
~Can u tell what this is ???
~Do u noe who its calling for???
~Mystical isn't it???
~The perfect place to spend ur nite in