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Immortal Beauty

Thursday, April 30, 2009

SYF is finally over, guess everyone did really well for it. We practised the same two songs over and over again for 10 months, polishing it till its perfect. Now, we've did our best durin the competition, playin our hearts out for the audience and really indulging in the moment. The laughter, tears, pain, joy and the time we spent together are priceless, how i would like to experience the whole thing again. Although the results was a bit disappointing, but i noe in everyone's heart we've got we we wanted-GWH. Even Mr Sze said he was proud of us. The only thing now is to practise harder for the nxt SYF n show the judges who the real GWH ensemble is!

(Now in a happier tone)
Anyway yeaterday was damn unlucky for me. First i started havin serious stomachache in the mornin and reached late for CCA. Accordin to YiPing, my face went super pale. Later at RP, i fell down the stairs. I was coming out of the toilet when YiPing told me that everyone is waiting on the other side for me, we started runnin n b4 i knew it, i was lyin on the floor. Luckily the staircase is only a few steps long and i didn't hurt myself badly. (Luckily, i also landed gracefully on the floor, cause there were a lot of ppl, esp boys!)

After SYF, we went to KAP to celebrate. We rushed there to book seats cause there were news that HCI is also gg there to celebrate. We went really wild in Mac, when i say wild, i mean really really wild. I think we almost made the manager come out. It was also Yuhe and Regina's b'day yestrday so "happy birthday my dear seniors!".

Today, we had grp lunch, Mr Sze, Mr Chan, Mrs Ho and Mr Lee were all there. We were treated to chicken yakitori and donuts. Yummy!!! At the end, there were a few more donuts left and Mr Sze chased us around to make us eat the donuts.( I was one of the ppl who got caught, originally, i thought i was in the "safe" zone, but later, Mr Sze turned around with the box of donuts and caught me!)

Through this event, i feel that we've bonded a lot 2gether, i really feel proud to be entangled in Strings! Jiayou ppl, we can excel even more, rem "Results is only a thin layer of frosting on the cake, the process of achieving our goal make up the whole cake!"


3:23 AM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saw these really nice videos online so i decided to post them (big achievement okay, i seldom go and surf for videos). The "Dance" is really damn interesting, it was shown to us by Mrs Amy,our geo teacher, today.

Do you believe in love after death? Well if you do, then go and watch "The Last Quarter", it is a movie made from the manga-Kagen no Tsuki, thus if u dun have time to watch the film, go read the manga, its only 16 chapters, really short one, i finished reading it in two days. "RH Plus" is a jap series about the lives of four vampires, it was introduced to me by Ser Yeen!!! Dun noe why but i always get addicted to the things she introduces...

Ahhh i juz realise that there are no trailers for RH Plus. Ahhh so sad, but its nice so u sure go and watch also!!!



~The Last Quarter, so sad i can't find one with eng subs

9:30 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ahh, its so great to finally get rid of most of the heavy subjects, esp History which drove me super crazy. Strangely on the day of History block test, both Michelle and Zhiping had their hands rubbed in bandages, one on the left, one on the right. Poor michelle, she practised too much for SYF and now her hand is like 99% numb? Wonder whether she would feel the pain if somebody go break her finger (Muahahaha). Anyway after block test, everybody was like "Yeppy, History is over!"

During physics lesson, i don't know how but Mrs Wong's teaching got really boring, she treats us like we're pri sch kids (maybe beacause there were teachers coming in to watch her teach.) Lisha and i were falling asleep but we managed to stay awake. Unfortunately for Seryeen, she fell asleep right in front of the teachers attending the lesson!!! Luckly MrsWong did not get angry with her or Ser Yeen is *cut*- dead.

I think toy master aka Heyao is getting more and more attracted to 10bucks, everytime i lend something from her, she would say "10 bucks"... If this goes on, i will go bankrupt!!! My other masters pls help me!!!


~Saw this really cute cat in the carpark!

~Graphic calculator, don't now why
but this diagram reminds me of an onion!

~Signing our names on Zhiping's bandage!

9:16 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009

Today went to J8 to discuss history and math SIA with Michelle and Ser Yeen (Well i dun noe why but i juz got tired of typing "Hi" nowadays.) As always, i'm the first one to arrive! Ser Yeen brought her roomie along too. They brought along their laptops and were planning to play Maple as today there is a good friday 2x EXP event (which Ser Yeen was super crazy over).

It's a pity the library is closed today so we did our project in the food court which was filled with a sweet smelling aroma making my stomach grumble!!! Anyway after 1h, Ser Yeen's roomie's com died. There was a electrical outlet beside us with a "For Staff Only" sigh, she was afraid to use it at first but later she was damn desperate and pluuged her charger in. Found out in the end there was no electricity in the electrical outlet!!!

We had lunch at Pastamania! Ser Yeen's another roomie joined us. For the first time, i didn't know my stare could kill. All of their pasta were served and i was damn hungry waiting for my pizza. So i said to Ser Yeen's two roomies :" You're better don't start eating first or i kill ur!" Then they really 乖乖 sit there and stare at me! LOL. After that we went looking for electrical outlet cause Ser Yeen's com die too. We found many, but most of them are situated in unsuitable place e.g. outside of shops. In the end we gave up and went home, deciding to finish our project on MSN.


2:50 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yesterday, i went for the NY Superstar audition. (Ok, if ur freaking out upon hearing this news, calm down cause I participate in it just for fun) Anyway, i was damn freaking out just before the audition, Ser Yeen was with me trying to calm me down. When it was my turn, i don't know why i was just really damn freaked out. The start of my song was quite alright, till i came to the "彼此以来" part where my voice cracked (this happened twice). It sounded damn out of tune and after i finished singing, the judge also thinks that i need to practise on my high notes. Well i guessed i was simply just too nervous, causing what i have practised to *poof* and disappear into the thin air. Now, i just pray hard that i can get through the audition!!!


3:23 AM

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yesterday I have officially became Shu Hui's toy (dun think sick!!!). We were doing our geo workbook and shu hui suddenly talked about people's birthdays, so she came up with this freaking retarded plan where she is my master and i am her toy. It's like that cause she's older than me. Thus, someone older than her would become her master and so on and so forth. Really retarded. And now, elizabeth is shuhui's master and the ultimate master aka the toy master is Heyao cause she's the oldest in the class and Shiyun is the vice-toy master. YAY.
( this is all typed by me, SHU HUI)

Obviously u can tell that that is not the type of language i would use. I was typing out the first sentence when Shu Hui came along and started typing. Damn freaking LOL. (slowly becoming like Shu Hui) Anyway, Heyao came along too and three of us listened to "Ring Of Fire" and "Black Or White" samg by Adam Lambert. Heyao and Shu Hui are damn attracted to him, i must say he has a good voice too. Then, we watched the music video of "Black Or White" which was really funny with Michael Jackson. The change of background scene is really quick, from desert to thailand to india. The speed of chnaging is really quick!!!


9:36 PM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm so sad, 2moro is the mass changing of our EZ-link card and our old cards have to be taken away from us. My card has been with me for 7 years, 3months and 2 days!!! It reminds me of my childhood, my primary school and all my old frens. Now it has to be taken away frm me, tat's so cruel!!! WAWAWA.

~WJ~(still grieving over her beloved EZ-link card)

~Memory of my card

5:44 AM