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Immortal Beauty

Sunday, March 7, 2010

7th Feb, that's today. It's been so long since i typed in my blog. I guess sec 3 life is rather hectic, a lot of homework, quizzes and stuff.

7th Feb, the last day where i get to enjoy lying on my nice bed, watching TV, using my com, bathing for as long as i want and home-cooked food. Tomorrow, i'm going for OBS. Fingers crossed that i would not get too tanned. Today is also the day when Paramore is having their concert in Singapore. *Sign*, i really hope to go but i guess its alrite. Now i'm in love with their new album 'Brand New Eyes', and especially their song 'The Only Exception'. Its really touching and painful. You'll understand it when you hear it. Cheers.


2:54 AM

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yesterday was family day and i spent the whole day at the zoo (obviously with my family). I had a lot of fun except when it started raining really heavily. I saw this very cute looking animal (unfortunately i forgot is name) that looks like a giant rat. It is a very shy creature, whenever you clap your hand, it would look up in shock (which is super humourous!!!) My mom said that if i do that to my hamsters too, they wld have the same reaction but they just sit down and eat when i clapped my hands loudly, not affected by the sound at all -____- I rode on a pony and i think this might be the last time i wld be able to ride on one cause i dun think the pony can withstand my weigh when i got older (will have to ride a real adult horse soon :P)

~first time bungee jumping, nervous nervous

~This could go into the "Crazy Hair" album

~Goodbye prince charming and hello princess charming!!!

~This is the cute little animal i was talking about,
Doesn't it look adorable???

7:32 AM

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yesterday was like the BEST, most FANTASTIC, FABULOUS, OMG outing i've ever had. Xinda, chiou chyong, Joanne, Joy, Michelle and i went Kallan to skate. I was quite afraid a first, cause this is only the second time i've skated, i was afraid that history wld repeat itself again (Recall: first time tried out skating, fell in a puddle and wet my pants.) Luckily, Joy gave me the strength to believe i can do it, and since this time i've some rollerblading experience already, i slowly, and for the first time managed to skate!!!!

Although it was not that good, but at least i was not like lst time gripping onto the sides desperately. I am proud to say i only fell three times (On my knees, not my butt mind you). The first was because of the uneven surface and the other two was because of holding onto Joanne who didn't know how to skate (To Joanne: Whaa, because of you, now i have black bruises on both my knees).

Later, we went back to school, squqshed in michelle's father's car (Yes, the six of us!) In there, i was named the hamster, Xinda was the space monkey/chipmunk, Joy was the jelly (Yum!), Michelle was peanut, Joanne was yougurt (Yum too) and Chiou Chyong was Kelvin the Dodo bird that can't swim (Yup its true, she can't swim)

After that, we went to K-BOX and sang our hearts out. Unfortunately, xinda and chiou chyong managed to escape off (bad bad). It was really fun, i wish we could do it again. (And this time, i'll make sure those two won't run off. Oh, and Jodie too...Muahahaha)

~The power of six on ice!

~And now they're tired...of skating the day!

~Compusulsion, "I order you to sleep Joanne!"

~Joy standing beside...the little stripped skating hood?

~That's right, Michelle is singing...Avril Lavigne's


6:38 AM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

August 8....Have it really been so long since i last touched my blog? Sept 1, that's the date when someone last posted on my blog, and the person who left the message wanted me to update...*Sign* finally got the chance to after a really LONG and EXHAUSTING month. Never thought this day wld come. The sweet taste of freedom...EOY is finally OVER with the capital O.

But that means our class is also coming to an end...*sign* After two years we're finally separating. When i was in sec 1 and i heard that the sec 2 were crying because they're goin to diff classes, i thgt they were just exaggerating, but now as im standin here and lookin on, it's really heartbreaking to just leave the ppl who you're familiar and close to, once again lost and struggling to find new ppl who wld be willing to stay by ur side n be ur fren. Not just any fren, but ur true fren, the ones who wld be there to listen to u even though u may just be crapping a bunch of rubbish. Time seemed so short, i mean we just got bonded really close this year only and now we have to leave each other*sign*

Alright, done wif the emo-ing. After our final paper, Michelle and i went to catch a movie together, 500 days of summer. We spent about 20mins lookin for KFC to have our lunch, which is actually about 5mins walk away...(my fault, i brought her the wrong way><) The movie was quite sad, no happy endin, or maybe there is a happy endin. Michelle wanted to watch Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, which i was TOTALLY AGAINST cause its rated G and looks a bit childish (no offense mitch :D) Tat's all folks.

PS:I think the movie was really great so u shld go and watch it if u haven't


5:07 AM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yeppy, block test is finally OVER with a capital O (since its really like the last block test for this year). There still EOY i know but what matters most now is to take one step at a time and enjoy our years as a student!

We celebrated national day yesterday. Overall it was quite fun (except for the speech from MOE which is SUPER LONG and BORING!!!) Chiawei was dressed as the class mascot, a red and white stripped zebra named 'Zippy' which came from Zhiping. She looked so funny as we painted her face and wrapped plastic bag and all kind of materials around her. In the end, we won! After all the idea of a red and white zebra is really fresh and interesting.

After that, i went out with Jodie for lunch at J8. It was crammed with students, just like what we expected. We were planning on a movie but after seeing how long the queue is, we dropped the idea and went to the library before going to Jodie's house. I just realised that most my fr'ends houses i've been to are nice condominiums with big swimming pools. Hmph.

Although Jodie and i have have quite a few same interests, we are totally different when it comes to personalities. She's a total angel and on the contrary, me-a devil. Blogger is breaking down these few days and i can't upload my photos! Argh!

PS: I'm totally addicted to 'Hey Monday' now


7:10 AM

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I just found this song from the Jonas Brothers titled "Much Better" which is being hailed as an attack at Taylor from Joe. OMG how could he do this! I mean yeah Taylor started it first but if u read her lyrics, you don't even know that its pointing at Joe.

"I get a rep for breakin' hearts
Now I'm done with superstars
And all the tears on her guitar
I'm not bitter
Now I see everything I'd ever need
Is the girl in front of me
She's much better"

This is so mean, describing someone else being so much better than you and letting the whole world know about it. I mean if you read the line "And all the tears on her guitar", who else but Taylor Swift wrote the song 'Teardrops on My Guitar'??? So obvious, direct attack on Taylor. And if you've heard the song, it suck, the tune and everything, i would die if i listen to it a second time!!!

Dun noe why but a sudden interest of sand art aroused in me (while watching the television of this man performing it).It's so fascinating watching him as he turn this pile of sand into pictures of the wonders of the world.

Ps:Who's Camilla anyway? Is she that hot that Joe dumped Taylor for her?


6:49 AM

Friday, July 17, 2009

Today is racial harmony day and supposedly there was a inter-class contest to see which class has the most number of students wearing ethnic costumes. In the end, my whole class turned up in hongzi, no one wore anything special except for our co-form, Ms Teng...-____- We were laughing at how "coordinated" the whole class were, everyone wearing hongzi.

Then don't know why but durin PCCG lesson we had our class breakfast, which we weren't prepared for. So in the end, we went down to the canteen to buy whatever we want. Then, they started a game of 'dare n dare'. Unfortunately, i was the fist one to become the victim of one of their dares: *daring Heyao to kneel down and propose to me! I was so shocked and amused at the same time. Why am i always the victim of this game???

Ms Teng didn't liked the game and changed it to double wackor. In the process of the game, dun noe how but Heyao and i got paired up together. LOL.

Anyway, Heyao is DAMN evil! She forced me to run as c6 in the cross country run (which is 3.4km long and i dun think i can last thru it, esp since i suck at runnin!!!) She was like looking around for a suitable person then sh saw me and said: "ah you, be c6!" My mouth popped open and i stared at her. Then Heyao: "Silence means consent" and wrote down my name. I was like OMG, begging her to change someone else. I even tried to use a correction tape to clear my name away but Heyao said "It's useless, i'm still going to type your name into the computer anyway." EVIL RIGHT????

Shuhui was joking that i should ride on Kaname so that i can finish the whole race in 1s (and when in the world did i become Mrs Kaname???) Then she also suggested that i should being my mp3 and listen to Taylor Swift's songs to help me run. Good idea, since i really nd sth to motivate me to run faster! I guess it's good luck to me now!

*Below are some pics to capture this adorable moment!


~Rachel and me! (with Ms Teng at the back...)

~The Classic-Heyao proposing to me

~And of course me rejecting her, breaking her heart
(look at how huge the impact is!!!)

12:56 AM